Mandatory Trainings
All UC Santa Cruz employees, including student employees, are required to complete mandatory training. Mandatory training is motivated by UC policy, risk assessments, governmental regulatory agencies, funding entities, accrediting bodies, and other entities external to UC Santa Cruz. Education on these topics is essential to compliance with policies, laws, regulations and restrictions and for the safety and security of our campus community.
Current Mandatory Trainings
- UC Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Prevention for Non-Supervisors
- UC Preventing Harassment & Discrimination: Supervisors, Faculty, MSP
- UC Cyber Security Awareness Fundamentals
- General Compliance Briefing: UC Ethical Values and Conduct
- UC Abusive Conduct in the Workplace
- UC Ethics and Compliance Briefing for Researchers (applies only to specific researchers)
Email Notifications
Employees are notified of mandatory training via an email from learningcenter@ucsc.edu. Notifications include due date, instructions for launching/registering for the activity, and support resources.
To ensure you receive mandatory training notifications check your email settings to ensure you are receiving emails to your inbox (rather than to your spam or junk folder) from learningcenter@ucsc.edu.
UC Learning Center accounts retain previous completions regardless of employment status. An employee who rejoins UC Santa Cruz after a break in service will need to check the status of their assigned training to ensure they are current. If an employee returns to work and finds they went overdue during a leave of absence or break in service they should notify learningcenter@ucsc.edu. This email address must be put in the “To” field of your email. Messages that include this email in the “cc” or “bcc” fields will not be received.
To check the status of assigned training
Log in to the UC Learning Center and click the Required Training icon to see the Training Analysis screen. The Training Analysis will show all currently assigned training.
If an assignment doesn’t have a Start button it may require registration. Click the hyperlinked name of the activity for registration options.
For assistance with the UC Learning Center, or to open a ticket with the UC Learning Center Support Team, email learningcenter@ucsc.edu. This email address must be put in the “To” field of your email. Messages that include this email in the “cc” or “bcc” fields will not be received.
Explanation of Assignment Statuses
Acquired or Attended: You have completed the assigned activity
Assigned: You have a new assignment that has not yet reached its due date
Overdue: You have passed the due date and have not yet completed the activity
Expired: Your certification has expired and you must retake the course
Training Descriptions
UC Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Prevention for Non-Supervisors
This course provides an overview of how to prevent sexual violence and sexual harassment in the University of California. Topics include: recognize, prevent, respond and resources.
This course meets requirements of 2 CCR 11024, California Government Code 12950.1, AB 1825/2053, 34 CFR 668.46 Violence Against Women Act, and UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment, Abusive Conduct, and Anti-Discrimination. It provides information on preventing and responding to sexual violence and sexual harassment and what each of us can to do to make our UC culture safer for all. This course includes a section specific to requirements under Title IX and the Clery Act.
This training will take approximately 1 hour to complete.
Who is this training assigned to? Employees without MSP positions and non full professor positions, including student-employees
When must this training be completed? Within six weeks of hire and every two years thereafter
UC Preventing Harassment & Discrimination: Supervisors, Faculty, MSP
This training is for supervisory employees and faculty at all UC locations. It provides information on preventing and responding to sexual violence and sexual harassment and what each of us can to do to make our UC culture safer for all. It will take a minimum of 2 hours to complete and meets the legal requirements of AB1825 and AB2053. This course includes a section specific to requirements under Title IX and the Clery Act. This course contains information on sensitive topics that include sexual violence; if you find that you need an alternate activity to meet this requirement, please contact your location Title IX officer.
This course will take approximately 1 hour to complete.
Who is this training assigned to? Certain teaching positions and those with MSP positions
When must this training be completed? Within 6 weeks of hire and every two years thereafter
UC Cyber Security Awareness Fundamentals
Cybercrime happens far more often than you realize, and you are a target! This interactive Cyber Security Awareness training course provides information on some of the most common threats facing the University and facing us as individuals. The course is led by a social engineer who uses real life examples to highlight how we can minimize the risks to ourselves and the University from these cyber threats.
This course will take approximately 35 minutes to complete.
Who is this training assigned to? All UC employees, including student-employees (with a few exceptions)
When must this training be completed? Within 6 weeks of hire and every year thereafter
General Compliance Briefing: UC Ethical Values and Conduct
This briefing is designed to raise continued awareness of the University of California Statement of Ethical Values and Standards of Ethical Conduct, and to convey University employment obligations with respect to ethical and compliant behavior. The purpose is not to teach University policy or ethics but to familiarize UC employees with important ethics and compliance information, issues and resources.
This training will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Who is this training assigned to? All UC employees, including student-employees with the exception of employees who are required to complete Ethics and Compliance Briefing for Researchers (ECBR)
When must this training be completed? Within 60 days of hire or as determined by the UC Office of the President
UC Abusive Conduct in the Workplace
This training provides an overview of the University of California’s Abusive Conduct in the Workplace Policy. Topics include:
- An overview of what is and isn’t abusive conduct
- Guidance on how to prevent abusive conduct
- Guidance on how to respond to and report abusive conduct, if it occurs
- Resources and reporting options available to UC community members who have experienced or witnessed abusive conduct
This training will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
Who is this training assigned to? All UC employees, including student-employees
When must this training be completed? Within 90 days of hire
UC Ethics and Compliance Briefing for Researchers (applies only to specific researchers)
This briefing is intended for all University extramurally funded researchers, including faculty and staff researchers, as well as postdoctoral scholars. Through it, you’ll receive a summary of what is expected of you as a researcher at the University and of the various obligations this role entails, covering topics such as:
- How to protect yourself, your research and the University through comprehensive disclosure and ethical behavior
- UC Whistleblower purpose, policies, protection and procedures
- Export control
- Conflicts of interest, conflicts of commmitment and associated disclosure processes
- Form 700-U, PHS, NIH and NSF disclosure processes
This training will take approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour to complete.
Who is this training assigned to? All UC employees who received >$1 in extramural funds in the prior year
When must this training be completed? Within 90 days of hire and every year thereafter